First metro train travels under Sydney Harbour

The team delivering the Sydney Metro City & Southwest Line-wide Works have achieved a major milestone with the very first train entering the new southbound metro tunnel at Chatswood, travelling beneath the harbour, and reaching Barangaroo Station.

This inaugural train trip marks the start of dynamic testing and was made possible because of the efforts made by thousands of people over the last five years.

CPB Contractors and UGL, both members of the CIMIC Group, are delivering the Line-wide Works for the Sydney Metro City & Southwest project, while CIMIC’s Pacific Partnerships and UGL will operate and maintain the metro railway from Rouse Hill to Bankstown once operational as part of the Northwest Rapid Transit Consortium (NRT).

Brett McGrane, Project Director, said: “The commencement of dynamic testing of the new trains could not have happened without the hard work and professional dedication of many people.”

“To reach this milestone we increased the operational capacity of the stabling yard at Rouse Hill, delivered track construction and fit-out through the 15.5 km twin tunnels, switched on the power and completed extensive operational and safety planning, as well as testing and commissioning activities.”

Testing and commissioning will continue throughout 2023 with passenger services to Sydenham starting in 2024.

CIMIC Group companies have played a major role in the delivery of Sydney Metro and, as part of a joint venture, used five tunnel boring machines to deliver twin 15.5km metro tunnels from Chatswood to Sydenham, including under Sydney Harbour and the CBD.

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