Category News

Turner Construction Company Establishes Grant Program at Morgan State University

Turner Construction Company established a $45,000 grant program at Morgan State University’s School of Architecture and Planning’s Construction Management program. This grant directly benefits students with financial need, scholastic merit, and those who have an interest in the construction industry.…

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Maldives’s Waste Transfer Station will revolutionize the national waste management

Recently, the Waste transfer station in Maldives constructed by CSCEC welcomed a delegation consisting of Aiminath Shauna, Environment Minister of Maldives, and Yousuf Siraj, General Manager of Waste Management Corporation (WAMCO). The visit was reported by the mainstream media outlets…

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CPB Contractors is recognised by the Infrastructure Sustainability Council for leading sustainability practices

The Infrastructure Sustainability Council (ISC) has awarded CPB Contractors’ Cross River Rail Tunnel, Stations and Development (CRRTSD) package a ‘Leading’ design rating. With a final score of 81.7 points, the project’s ‘Leading’ rating is the highest the ISC can award.  …

Read MoreCPB Contractors is recognised by the Infrastructure Sustainability Council for leading sustainability practices