Approval of all resolutions Dividend for fiscal year 2022: 4.0 euros per share, of which balance of 3.0 euros payable in cash on April 27, 2023
Appointments of Ms. Annette Messemer and Mr. Carlos Aguilar as directors
Renewal of the directorships of Ms. Caroline Grégoire Sainte Marie and Dominique Muller
The Combined General Meeting of VINCI shareholders met on April 13, 2023 at the Salle Pleyel in Paris, under the chairmanship of Xavier Huillard, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of the Group.
With a quorum of 73.20%, it approved all the resolutions submitted to it, including:
– the parent company and consolidated financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2022;
– the distribution of a dividend of 4.00 euros per share for 2022. Taking into account the interim payment of 1.00 euro per share paid in November 2022, a balance of 3.00 euros per share remains to be paid in cash, on April 27, 2023. The detachment of the coupon will take place on April 25, 2023;
– the appointments for four-year terms of Mrs. Annette Messemer and Mr. Carlos Aguilar as independent directors. The international profile, skills and knowledge of VINCI businesses of the new directors will be an asset for the Board of Directors;
– the renewal of the directorships of Mrs. Caroline Grégoire Sainte Marie and Mrs. Dominique Muller, director representing employee shareholders.
In addition, the Board of Directors paid special tribute to Ms Ana Paula Pessoa and Pascale Sourisse as well as to Mr Robert Castaigne – whose terms of office as directors ended at the end of this general meeting – for their long-standing commitment to serving the Group.
Finally, the general meeting was an opportunity to review the Group’s environmental transition plan and also its social and societal ambition.
The results of the votes as well as the video of the general meeting will soon be available on the Group’s website (www.vinci.com)
VINCI is a global player in concessions, energy and construction, employing 272,000 people in more than 120 countries. Its mission is to design, finance, build and manage infrastructure and equipment that contribute to improving daily life and mobility for everyone. Because its vision of success is global, VINCI is committed to the environmental, social and societal performance of its activities. Because its achievements are in the public interest, VINCI considers listening to and dialogue with all the stakeholders in its projects as a necessary condition for the exercise of its businesses. VINCI’s ambition is thus to create long-term value for its customers, shareholders, employees, partners and for society in general.
Source link:https://www.vinci.com/