NCC to build Granåsen soccer hall in Trondheim

The 13,000 square meter soccer hall will be built alongside the new skiing and ski jumping center at Granåsen Sports Park, which NCC is building for the municipality. The hall will hold an indoor 11-a-side soccer field in line with international standards. The building will also include changing rooms and common areas.

“This project has undergone an inspiring and instructive phase of collaboration with the client, architects, users and other consultants. The expertise and experience of everyone involved has delivered an excellent solution. We’re now looking forward to commencing the work and, together with the client, building a very awaited soccer hall,” says Roger Nygård, Head of NCC Building Norway.

As part of the collaborative process, Trondheim Municipality and NCC developed solutions to help reduce costs compared with the starting budget.

“It has been a superb process and we’ve gotten the most out of this exemplary partnership by making optimum use of each other’s expertise. This has become a project that will benefit the whole of Trondheim,” comments Lars Petter Gamlem, District Manager for NCC Building Central Norway.

The football hall will be built according to the BREEAM environmental certification system as well as Plushus standard, which makes it a very energy efficient building. The hall will be heated by thermal energy from a geothermal heating system. Solar panels will provide part of the area’s electricity needs.

Construction will commence in June 2023 and is scheduled for completion in the end of 2024.

The order value is approximately SEK 230 million and will be registered in the NCC Building Nordics business area in the second quarter of 2023.

About NCC. NCC is one of the leading construction companies in the Nordics. Based on its expertise in managing complex construction processes, NCC contributes to the positive impact of construction for its customers and society. Operations include building and infrastructure project contracting, asphalt and stone materials production and commercial property development. In 2022, NCC had sales of SEK 54 bn and 12,500 employees. The NCC shares are listed on Nasdaq Stockholm.

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