BAM re-appointed as Environment Agency’s Collaborative Delivery Framework continues

The Environment Agency has confirmed that its successful Collaborative Delivery Framework (CDF) has been extended to 2027. BAM has been re-appointed as a key partner.

Launched in 2019, the CDF formed new supplier arrangements and partnerships to increase efficiency, generate value for money and underline the green legacy of the £5.2 billion capital investment programme. The arrangement originally ran through to 2023 and included the option for it to continue for an additional four years. It can be confirmed that the framework will now remain in place until 2027. Working collaboratively in this way will help the EA mitigate climate change and reduce its impacts whilst supporting the delivery target of better protecting hundreds of thousands of properties from coastal erosion and flooding.

EA Director of Operations, Steve Moore, said: ‘The current £5.2 billion FCERM Capital Programme reflects the unprecedented scale of investment that is helping address the impacts of a changing climate. The CDF Framework  offers access to a suite of Delivery Partners that provide the essential skills and expertise to deliver our £1bn annum programme of work. We are really pleased to be confirming the continuation of this arrangement for the duration of the programme through to 2027. Other complimentary frameworks are also in the process of being procured, all of which will ensure we continue to deliver modern and sustainable solutions to these huge challenges. This four year commitment will enable the EA and our Delivery Partners to further invest in the future skills and technologies that will be needed and importantly continue to deliver additional levels of flood risk protection to an increasing number of vulnerable communities.’

The CDF is part of our Next Generation Supplier Arrangements (NGSA). It is helping us to better protect communities and the environment while ensuring that sustainable development is at the very core of all our projects. NGSA was developed through our long experience in the Flood and Coastal Risk Management sector as well as learning from other leading public and private infrastructure providers. The contracts promote new ways of collaborative working with delivery partners and local communities from the initial planning stages of a project right through to its completion. The new arrangements will also lead to longer term collaborative team working and new ways of engaging with local organisations and people. This closer working will ensure that homes, communities and businesses are receiving the best possible flood and coastal management for the challenges facing their area. At the same time flood and coastal projects will promote economic growth, social wellbeing and will seek to enhance levels of natural capital within the local community, making sure that each scheme brings long-lasting benefits for future generations.

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