Turner Construction Company established a $45,000 grant program at Morgan State University’s School of Architecture and Planning’s Construction Management program. This grant directly benefits students with financial need, scholastic merit, and those who have an interest in the construction industry.
Turner has long been creative and intentional in reaching out to people who historically have been underrepresented in the construction industry. Morgan State University is one of eight Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) that Turner is partnering with to offer students scholarships and professional development and training led by Turner staff.
Charles Stewart, Vice President of Diverse Recruiting and Outreach for Turner, said the grant program is about, “the development of the student, helping the university enhance their pipeline and develop their students to be prepared to step out in the communities where we work, and be able to work with companies like ours.”
On March 29, 2023, Turner hosted a “Turner Day at Morgan State” event in the School of Architecture and Planning atrium. Turner moderated a panel of industry leaders and Morgan alum and allies who discussed the importance of skill building and personal branding. They also offered industry insight within construction and the surrounding specialties. Turner also announced the three student recipients of the Turner Tuition Assistance Program – scholarships of $10,000 each – that went to Imani Singleton, Courtney Thompson, and Dariyah Pennix.
Breakout sessions were also held on interview preparation and professional development. The event was open to all members of the Morgan State University campus and free to attend. Daymanuel Sampson, Community and Citizenship Leader for Turner Mid-Atlantic, said “this event was a highlight in [his] career, allowing Turner to showcase its commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion, all while acknowledging and creating space for diverse candidates in the construction industry.”
Courtney Thompson, one of the three scholarship recipients, emphasized the impact of receiving the scholarship. He said, “I want to thank Turner Construction from the bottom of my heart for this scholarship. It will afford me the opportunity to pursue my dreams and to complete this degree. And faster than I was bargaining for. Thank you very much.”
Chairperson of the Construction Management program in Morgan State’s School of Architecture and Planning, Dr. Lewis Waller who was a panelist for the event stated, “On this day we are honored to look at the achievements and the accomplishments of our students and this partnership that we continue to build on…we thank Turner for being the team that continues to build and pave the way.
Source link:https://www.turnerconstruction.com/