The City of Soissons, which has just inaugurated the Clovis car park in the direct vicinity of the station, has chosen to entrust the supervision of its charging infrastructure for electric vehicles (IRVE) to Eiffage Énergies Systèmes. Thanks to their WE-GO supervision tool, our experts can also ensure electronic payment management of the various charging points.
On February 5, the City of Soissons (02) opened to the public a car park with 420 spaces on three levels with 78 IRVE charging points installed by our teams in Reims. The supervision and electronic management of these charging points have been entrusted to our specialists from the security division.
In order to carry out their mission, our experts use the WE-GO supervision tool which has already proven itself internally on the Eiffage group’s IRVEs. The supervised terminals in Soissons are also listed on the Gireve digital platform, which allows the general public to identify charging points available nearby.
“By connecting charging operators – like WE-GO – with all mobility operators, the Gireve platform allows us to open access to the IRVE terminals in the Clovis car park to all mobility operators in charge of charging. the BtoC relationship. Furthermore, WE-GO allows us to carry out a consumption statement for each load transfer, on the basis of which Gireve invoices the end customer according to the pricing set by the City of Soissons,” explains Mustapha Bencheikh, head of business.
Initially, 40 charging points will be put into service at the beginning of April by our experts and the others will follow in the spring.
In addition to the studies, supply and installation of charging points, Eiffage Énergie Systèmes specializes in the operation and maintenance of IRVE terminals, but also in their supervision and in supporting customers in electronic payment management. In this regard, the safety center has just exceeded 1,000 supervised charging points.