In Peyrolles-en-Provence, Eiffage Énergie Systèmes installs a photovoltaic park for ABC Industrie’s self-consumption

Specializing in the manufacture of cooked hams since 1950, ABC Industrie has renewed its confidence in Eiffage Énergie Systèmes for the turnkey construction of its 246 kWp ground-mounted solar power plant. Located in Peyrolles-en-Provence (13), this park will produce renewable energy intended for the company’s own consumption. 

The green energy produced by ABC Industrie’s photovoltaic park will be used entirely for self-consumption. It will allow the manufacturer to reduce its energy bill, to enhance the dedicated land area (the factory roofs are not usable) and to cope with possible power outages during winter consumption peaks.

The solar park installed by our experts consists of 585 440 Wp modules, based on weighted ground mounting systems, and two 110 kVA inverters. This installation will produce approximately 350 kWh/year, the energy required to supply electric heating to around forty pavilions of 100 m2 each.

The project, initiated in August 2022, began with the submission of the authorization file produced by Eiffage Énergie Systèmes, and its examination by the town planning department. Work started in January 2023 and was completed in March.

Since April 20, ABC Industrie’s photovoltaic solar park has produced 3% of its annual electricity consumption. This project, which is fully in line with the company’s CSR approach, is a model of energy transition adapted to industry. 

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