Bouygues Bâtiment France, a subsidiary of Bouygues Construction, has announced that it is launching a programme to support high-level sportsmen and women in their career choices. The project, undertaken in collaboration with the French Ministry of Sport and the French National Sports Agency, is intended to create a synergy that will be of benefit both to the sportsmen and women and to the company.
Through this initiative, Bouygues Bâtiment France will be able to provide top-level sportsmen and women with greater support in their career choices, both during and after their sporting careers, by offering two schemes in particular:
- Recruitment on a permanent contract with a professional integration agreement financially supported by the French national Sports Agency (Agence Nationale du Sport), giving sportsmen and women time to train and practise their sport while preparing for their professional transition.
- An internship in a company that allows sportspeople to gain experience of several professions before committing to a particular career option.
This programme is intended for all sportspeople listed as elite, whatever their discipline, and it also encompasses disability sport. It provides them with a smooth transition to the working world while enabling them to maintain their sporting level thanks to timetables tailored to their requirements.
To prepare to take part in this support programme, last year Bouygues Bâtiment France examined over 40 profiles of elite athletes submitted by the French national Sports Agency (ANS), a key stakeholder in this initiative alongside individual sports federations. At the beginning of 2024, this led to the offer of an internship contract to Thomas Rouxel, a badminton player who is seeking a change of career, and the recruitment of Clémence Beretta, who competes in the 20-kilometre walk. This commitment to supporting top-level sportspeople had already led to several recruitments a few years ago, including the Paralympic triathlete, Alexis Hanquinquant, and Delphine Racinet-Réau, an Olympic trap shooter.
Bouygues Bâtiment France’s objective with this new programme is to invite around ten elite athletes to join its teams by the end of 2025, with the financial support of the French National Sports Agency (ANS) and the backing of public institutions such as the Ministry of Sport and its various delegated federations, as well as the French Sports Foundation, which can help set up skills sponsorship schemes.
This ambitious programme highlights the company’s determination to make diversity a key part of its Human Resources development strategy.
Philippe Jouy, CEO of Bouygues Bâtiment France, said: “Welcoming high-level sportsmen and women io Bouygues Bâtiment France is an initiative I firmly believe in. Thanks to this programme, we are able to create a beneficial synergy based on the values of sport, such as team spirit, excelling oneself and the culture of commitment. By recruiting elite sportsmen and women, we can give them the resources they need to pursue their sporting goals, and we help to enrich our profiles and skills. A diversity of talent helps to strengthen social cohesion and performance within the whole company.”
Claude Onesta, general manager for high performance at the French national Sports Agency, said: “The national Sport Agency is delighted that Bouygues Bâtiment France is resuming its commitment to supporting athletes. This is a powerful signal sent out by companies working alongside us to promote the professional integration of elite sportsmen and women, who can then devote themselves to their sport. I have called for a customised approach to support for French sport, wand this takes on its full meaning when there is collaboration from the Agency, companies and federations to offer a package tailored to the needs of top-level athletes and companies. This is exemplified by the contract that has been signed with Clémence Beretta.”