A female head for Harwig, an entity of Eiffage Énergie Systèmes in the Netherlands.

His early career in banking led him to meet innovative start-ups which gave him a taste for entrepreneurship. She quickly left her job to embark on an adventure. “We were a team of enthusiastic young people. I learned a lot during this time. After two years, I became one of the shareholders. » It was also at this time that she met her future husband, Bernard Nederhoed, a partner in one of the structure’s commercial units… 

Personal and professional trajectories intersect. In 2003, her husband left to work at Harwig, his father’s company. Its objective: to study the possibility of taking over the company. The family therefore moved to the north of the Netherlands. Bernard works at Harwig, Maureen works several jobs but mainly devotes herself to her three young children.   

“In 2008, after the birth of our second daughter, I started working with my husband for Harwig several hours a week, just to help her. I had the ambition to start my own business. Then, due to the global financial crisis, Harwig fell on hard years. I felt a responsibility to stay, reorganize and rebuild the company with him. And from 2008 to 2021, I managed Harwig’s operations. » 

Maureen Nederhoed quickly took a liking to the culture of this technical company, centered on pragmatics and simplicity. “We create real value instead of banking. » The efforts bore fruit. Harwig now has around 200 employees and specializes in the installation of electrical and climate equipment, as well as safety and security. “We work with hospitals, public buildings, educational buildings, data centers, etc. The digitization of our processes and the training of our teams give us what we need to compete with the largest companies in our region. Our clients choose us because of our personal approach and proximity. » Values ​​that resonate with those of Eiffage, which will buy the structure in 2022. 

Without forcing or denying her convictions, Maureen imposed herself at the head of Harwig. She frequently interacts with the Group’s teams. “Ludovic Duplan often goes to the Netherlands: he came to visit our company in Emmen last year. I was happy to hear him remind us that within the group, workers and their well-being are the number one priority! In the Netherlands, the Eiffage family is still young, but we are gradually building synergies.” 

With her journey, Maureen Nederhoed intends to provide a source of inspiration. Harwig has few female employees. So she concludes with a new direct message. “Let’s encourage girls to choose technical studies and to contribute to the Eve-olution of the company! » 

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