HOCHTIEF Launches Sustainable Cloud Provider Yorizon with Thomas-Krenn.AG

Plans for a Sustainable Cloud Infrastructure with YEXIO Data Centers in Europe

HOCHTIEF PPP Solutions, a subsidiary of HOCHTIEF, has partnered with German server and storage systems manufacturer Thomas-Krenn.AG to establish a joint venture named Yorizon. This new venture aims to offer high-performance, secure, and sustainable cloud computing solutions across Europe through a network of decentralized, locally integrated data centers known as YEXIO.

The long-term vision is to create a sustainable cloud infrastructure with multiple YEXIO data centers across Europe. The first data center, equipped with Yorizon technology, is set to open in Heiligenhaus (North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany) by summer 2025. Land for two additional centers has already been secured, with plans to acquire three more sites by the end of the year. HOCHTIEF also extended its collaboration with the Palladio infrastructure fund, aiming to increase the number of data centers from 5 to 15.

Juan Santamaría, CEO of HOCHTIEF, emphasized the company’s strong position in the global digital infrastructure market, stating, “We aim to expand our presence with a differentiated range of services by leveraging our expertise and strong client relationships in key developed markets.” HOCHTIEF’s group companies are leading builders of data centers worldwide, particularly in regions such as North America, Asia-Pacific, India, and Europe.

Christoph Maier, CEO of Thomas-Krenn.AG, highlighted the growing demand for robust IT infrastructure, driven by advancements in AI and digitalization. He remarked, “With our cutting-edge hardware, we as a European provider are setting new standards in performance, security, and sustainability. HOCHTIEF’s expertise in infrastructure maximizes efficiency.”

Bernd Holtwick, CFO and COO of HOCHTIEF PPP Solutions, noted that Yorizon represents a step into new territory, combining infrastructure with innovative partners to enhance both economic and ecological performance. By incorporating hardware solutions from Thomas-Krenn, the YEXIO product has evolved into an all-in-one offering. The data centers are designed to integrate with urban infrastructure, allowing waste heat to be repurposed for municipal heating networks or public facilities like swimming pools.

Yorizon will leverage HOCHTIEF PPP Solutions’ expertise in concession and operator projects related to IT infrastructure, life-cycle construction, energy, and digitalization. Thomas-Krenn.AG contributes specialized servers developed for YEXIO centers, along with the associated service. The software used in the data centers will be sourced from Germany, ensuring compliance with the highest security and data protection standards.

In addition to high performance and security, Yorizon’s cloud infrastructure prioritizes sustainability. The data centers will employ energy-efficient construction methods, renewable energy sources, and innovative liquid cooling systems developed by Thomas-Krenn. Residual heat from the data centers will be utilized in local heating networks, reducing their ecological footprint and benefiting the environment, local authorities, and customers alike.

The first YEXIO data center in Heiligenhaus will have an initial IT capacity of two megawatts, scalable to four megawatts as demand grows. Test access to the cloud services will be available to potential partners and customers starting in the second half of 2024.

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